Updated on Thursday, February 13, 2025, 11:00AM

- Halifax Metro and Halifax County West
Freezing rain is expected that is likely to impact the afternoon and evening rush hour. Duration: up to 4 hours.
Time span: this afternoon in western Nova Scotia. Late afternoon and into the evening in central and eastern Nova Scotia.
Location: Mainland Nova Scotia.
Remarks: The freezing rain will be preceded by accumulating snow and ice pellets which is likely to exacerbate the hazard to motorists during the afternoon and evening commute. Strong southeasterly winds during the freezing precipitation could cause utility outages. Conditions will improve for most in the evening as temperatures rise above zero and precipitation transitions to rain. Surfaces such as highways, roads, walkways and parking lots may become icy and slippery. Utility outages may occur. Freezing rain warnings are issued when rain falling in sub-zero temperatures creates ice build-up and icy surfaces.
-via Environment Canada

For Thursday, February 13, 2025 – HRCE schools are open, but will dismiss students early.
This means:
- Bused students will be picked up 2 hours earlier than their regular dismissal time.
- Non-bused students will be dismissed at their regularly scheduled lunch hour.
- After school EXCEL and Halifax Regional Arts programs are canceled.
Today’s decision was based on the following information:
- A forecast calling for freezing rain and ice pellets starting around 3:00 p.m.
- Road conditions are expected to deteriorate this afternoon.
We always welcome feedback. To share your thoughts on today’s decision, click here.
To learn more about how we make the decision, click here.
-via HRCE